Instance Functions
This page contains a list of all instance functions used by Powerlang. Instance functions are called like instance:FunctionName(functionArgs)
Creates joints between connected parts in a model.
Breaks all the joints connected to the parts in a model.
SetNetworkOwner(player: Player?)
Sets the network owner of the part to a specific player.
IsTouching(part: BasePart) -> bool
Returns true if the part is currently touching another part.
GetTouchingParts() -> table<BasePart>
Returns a table of parts currently touching the part.
GetConnectedParts() -> table<BasePart>
Returns a table of parts physically connected to the part.
SetPartPhysicalProperties(Elasticity, Friction, Density, ElasticityWeight, FrictionWeight)
Sets the physical properties of the part, like density or friction.
GetPartPhysicalProperties() -> PhysicalProperties
Gets the current physical properties of the part.
Fires the rocket propulsion towards a target.
Stops the rocket propulsion.
AssignCollisionGroup(groupName: string)
Assigns the part to a specific collision group.
MoveModelTo(position: Vector3)
Moves a model to a specific position.
SetModelPrimaryPartCFrame(cframe: CFrame)
Sets the CFrame of the primary part of the model.
GetModelBoundingBox() -> (CFrame, Vector3)
Returns the CFrame and size of the model's bounding box.
Plays a sound instance.
Stops a sound instance.
Pauses a sound instance.
Resumes a paused sound instance.
Captures the keyboard focus on a text box.
Releases the keyboard focus from a text box.
GetPlayersOnTeam(team: Team) -> table<Player>
Returns a table of players on the specified team.
TeleportToPlace(placeId: int)
Teleports the player to a specified place and spawn point.
KickPlayer(reason: string?)
Kicks the player from the game with an optional reason.
GetPlayerFromCharacter(character: Model) -> Player?
Returns the player associated with the given character model.
HasBadge(badgeId: int) -> bool
Checks if a player has a specific badge.
GiveBadge(badgeId: int)
Awards a badge to a player.
HasGamepass(gamepassId: int) -> bool
Checks if a player owns a specific game pass.
Mutes a player in the game.
Bans a player from the game.
CheckToolEquipped() -> bool
Returns true if the player has the specified tool equipped.
TakeDamage(amount: number)
Applies damage to a humanoid.
HumanoidMoveTo(position: Vector3)
Moves the humanoid to a specific position or part.
ChangeHumanoidState(state: HumanoidStateType)
Changes the humanoid's state to a specific state.
GetHumanoidState() -> HumanoidStateType
Gets the current state of the humanoid.
TeleportPlayerToPosition(position: Vector3)
Teleports the player to a specific position.
Reloads the player's character.
GetPartDirection() -> Vector3
Returns the direction the part is facing as a Vector3
Disconnects an event connection.
IsConnected() -> bool
Returns true if the event connection is still active.
Clone() -> Instance
Creates a copy of the instance.
Permanently removes the instance from the game.
FindFirstChild(childName: string, recursive: bool) -> Instance?
Finds the first child with a given name in an instance. If recursive
is true, it searches descendants.
FindFirstChildOfClass(className: string) -> Instance?
Finds the first child with a given class name in an instance.
FindFirstChildWhichIsA(className: string) -> Instance?
Finds the first child that is of a specific class.
GetChildren() -> table<Instance>
Returns a table of all the direct children of the instance.
GetDescendants() -> table<Instance>
Returns a table of all descendants of the instance.
IsA(className: string) -> bool
Returns true if the instance is of the given class or inherits from it.
IsAncestorOf(descendant: Instance) -> bool
Returns true if the instance is an ancestor of the given descendant.
IsDescendantOf(ancestor: Instance) -> bool
Returns true if the instance is a descendant of the given ancestor.
WaitForChild(childName: string, timeout: number?) -> Instance?
Waits for a child with the given name to be added, or returns nil
if it times out.
Sends a remote event to the server from the client.
FireClient(player: Player, ...)
Sends a remote event to a specific player from the server.
Fires a custom signal event.
Invoke(...) -> any
Calls a custom function and returns the result.
InvokeServer(...) -> any
Invokes a remote function on the server from the client and returns the result.
InvokeClient(player: Player, ...) -> any
Invokes a remote function on a specific player from the server and returns the result.
Last updated